Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Where to Post Tutoring Activities

Where to Post Tutoring ActivitiesIt is very easy to lose focus when you are teaching your child how to read, and the thing that you need to keep in mind is where to post tutoring activities. In this article I will explain the importance of placing your tutoring needs in the right place. Make sure to use your computer at home as a good location for all things related to reading and writing. If your child has a desktop or laptop, make sure that you have an internet connection so that you can easily access tutorials, reading lists, and even online home schooling resources.Some children may prefer the classroom setting for learning, but if you take a look at what traditional school offers, there is really no way that your child will be able to learn. Traditional schools have old-fashioned programs that rely heavily on memorization. As long as you have traditional school sitting right next to you, you can do anything to avoid it. Now I understand that many parents feel that this is their only option for getting their children educated. But what I am trying to say is that the Internet is where to post tutoring resources.In a nutshell, online books and tutorials can help children learn the basics of reading, writing, and even spelling. Teaching reading from a young age is just not possible in a traditional classroom setting. The truth is that you can teach your child while sitting in your own home, and many online tutoring services offer learning software that is designed to allow you to read to your child. This is one of the best advantages to using online resources for reading and writing.Let's face it, the old way of education still works, and it is still a lot better than not having a child. However, parents need to remember that they are going to have to spend a little more time with their child. They cannot afford to cut corners when it comes to education. A lot of homework and tests can become too much for kids to handle. So it is important that parents make su re that they keep up with the tutoring as well.If you do not have a physical school sitting right there in front of you, you need to make sure that you consider online learning as your best alternative for staying ahead of the curve of learning. You can find many online tutoring services that are looking for good teachers who are willing to work at home. One advantage of online learning is that your children will have access to learning resources that they would not have access to in a traditional school setting. So this is where to post tutoring activities.Of course, your child may prefer to go to school but what if he or she does not? A lot of states require a parent to send their child to public school if the child has special needs. These are usually states such as New York, Pennsylvania, Texas, and many other states across the United States. The best thing to do if you want to keep your child from going to public school is to find online school alternatives.Now, if you want to keep your child from receiving practical knowledge, you should consider making use of home schooling methods that can teach your child from home. Although many traditional schools offer computers, there are plenty of families that cannot afford to buy computers for their children. This is why I think that the Internet is where to post tutoring resources for children.After all, your child is ready to take on reading, writing, and math. Once he or she becomes interested in a subject, they will start reading textbooks, playing games, and doing research to find out more about it. So why not start teaching your child from home.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Learn a Language on YouTube 14 Hacks for Success

Learn a Language on YouTube 14 Hacks for Success Learn a Language on YouTube: 14 Hacks for Success Everyone has problems.Money problems, job problems, life problems.Hopefully, youre able to solve most of them. Eventually.But in the meantime, learning a language shouldnt be one of your problems.Thats not to say that were living in some sort of fairy tale world where your ability to get a good nights sleep doesnt directly affect how much you can devote yourself to an ambition or hobby like language learning.But language learning shouldnt create any additional problems in your life.And if youre  learning a language with YouTube, it doesnt have to.Okay, so it might be an exaggeration to say that YouTube can prevent every language-learning problem there is.But it might also be completely accurate to say that YouTube is the single richest source of language learning material there is.Lets see why. Why Learn a Language with YouTube?It has nearly everything (movies, TV, language courses, etc.).  Because YouTube is capable of supporting video, its capable of supporting most types of medi a in some way. You can find audiobooks with text, material specially made for language learning and all kinds of authentic content.Its constantly being updated.  Theres always plenty of new content available, so you have a way of being exposed to current native language at all times. In fact, you can even use YouTube to learn languages through the news (see below).Its entertaining and accessible.  YouTube is by far one of the least painful resources for learning, as its accessible to anyone who has an internet connection. You probably also associate it with funny animal videos and lazy mornings rather than anything stressfulâ€"and thats great, because  cutting down on stress helps you learn better.Of course, these reasons dont actually explain how you learn languages with YouTube. Once you see that, youll probably be even more convinced. So lets get right into it.Learn a Language on YouTube: 14 Hacks for Success1. Bookmark or subscribe to channels hosting large catalogs of movies or TV.Two notable public domain film channels are the  Korean Film Archive channel  and  ???????? (Mosfilm), from the Russian film studio of the same name. Each of these host huge caches of free movies.For other languages, it may be easier to look at big media outlets. For example, the French-language RTS (Radio Télévision Suisse) channel hosts many segments that run about 20-30 minutes on a variety of subjects. BBC Mundo hosts short news videos that may be convenient for Spanish learners.To find a reliable source of movie or TV content on YouTube for your language, try googling [language] tv networks. Then search for one of the networks on YouTube. Chances are, youll be able to find one with quite a few videos.Having knowledge of a few authentic channels like this that regularly upload content to YouTube is a great place to start because it means youll always have authentic content to binge or practice with.2. Watch livestreaming news TV.More and more media outlets are adding live TV streams to YouTube, and thats another tool you should have in your arsenal. These are a little trickier to find than just big channels with uploaded content, but its worth it for the fact that you can simply watch these streams like regular TV, commercials and all.Here are some to check out. Note that the Euronews and Africanews dont run one continuous livestream, and CNN doesnt livestream 24/7, and as such, weve linked to their channel homes. Check the top of the main channel page for an updated linkâ€"itll have a red box with the words live now inside.ChineseCCTVCTiSpanishTNCNN en Español  French  Africanews  France 24GermanDWJapaneseJapaNews24Italianeuronews (in italiano)  QVC Italia (Shopping and entertainment)Russianeuronews (?? ???????)?????? 24  (Russia 24)?????? 24  (Moscow 24)KoreanYTN????TV (Yonhap News TV)3. Use FluentU.FluentU is a program that takes real YouTube videosâ€"like movie trailers, music videos, news and inspiring talksâ€"and turns them into personalized l anguage lessons. While you can do all of the other activities were going to suggest in this post without FluentU, it makes everything easier.With FluentU, you get to learn through YouTube, but you dont have to wade through all the YouTube content out there to get to the good stuff. The program offers you a curated library of high-quality content thats been sorted according to level and given interactive subtitles.In addition, you get access to a variety of learning tools, including customized quizzes, vocab lists, audio clips, grammar explanations and multimedia flashcards.Throughout the rest of this post, weve included some links to FluentU videos so you can get an idea of what the selection is like. You can see what the videos look like with all the features through the free trial by visiting the FluentU homepage and signing up there.4. Search for video answers to any language questions you have.While you can definitely make authentic content your main learning resource, especiall y with the support of a system like FluentU, you may have questions from time to time that you need direct answers to. It can be helpful to have an exchange partner on hand to help you out, but you can also probably find answers to quite a few of your language questions right on YouTube.If youre an intermediate or advanced learner, youre more likely to have some idea of how to phrase your questions. So go ahead and do a YouTube search for the difference between por and para  or how the German genitive case works.Most learning channels split up their content into searchable videos, so youll probably find a video dedicated to your particular question. For example, your search about the genitive case might land you on a useful video from Learn German with Anja.If youre a beginning learner, you may want to seek out some YouTube content thats specially made for learners.  Here are some resources for structured courses you can try out and use as libraries for your question searches:Innova tive Language offers a variety of YouTube channels for various languages. You can sign up for more materials on their websites. Clicking any of the separate channels will take you to an array of videos. In addition to exploring the playlists, you can watch their 24/7 livestreams for learners, which can be found in the individual channels.Easy Languages  gives you conversational content for multiple languages. Many of their videos, which include real interactions with native speakers, are most appropriate for intermediate learners. However, they also have Super Easy options, like a Spanish video that takes place in a library.5. Watch trailers for upcoming movies.Search for movie trailers in your target language and youll find bite-sized material for regular language practice. Watching a full movie in your target language can be difficult to fit into your schedule, or it may not be as good for intensive listening practice. But a movie trailer is short enough that you can sit down with it and, depending on your learning level, work out anywhere from a few words to the whole thing.Movie trailers are meant to give you an intriguing sense of the plot, so see if you can work out the gist of a trailer, even if you dont catch all of the words in it. Then, try writing out in your target language what you think the movie is about.Another learning strategy you can use is searching for trailers for movies dubbed into your target language that youve already seen in your native language. See if you can work out all the dubbed language based on your knowledge of the movie.For example, if you really enjoyed Black Panther and youre learning Italian, you could check out the movies trailer in Italian.6. Look for playlists of funny commercials. See if you can follow the comments on them.As it turns out, humor in commercials is pretty universal (even if the humor itself isnt always), and people love compiling lists of funny ones. This makes for another great short-form learning res ource.Reading comments on funny videos also tends to be good reading practice, because people always have something to say about them, even if its just how hilarious they are.To find a playlist or compilation, search in your target language for funny commercials or even funniest commercials, because sometimes commercials are so awesome they deserve awards.Its worth mentioning that FluentU has an especially good selection of funny commercials and that you can still easily access all of them on the YouTube platform if you want to see the comments. You can also easily share them on social media. I had to show  this Korean commercial to my cousin and a friend immediately after seeing it for the first time because it was so bizarre I couldnt stop watching it.7. Find video reviews of books youve read. Leave comments.The beauty of this is that it doesnt matter if you choose a book that youve read in your native language or your target language, as long as its available in the target langua ge. You dont even have to be a big reader to make this work.Lets say youre learning French, read Wuthering Heights in high school and remember finding it intriguing. Go on Wikipedia and type in the novel name in English. Then, once you have the article up, change the language to French, and youll have your target language title:  Les Hauts de Hurlevent.  Plug that into a YouTube search, and youll find, for instance, a  French-language video about the book from Pinupapple Books.As you already have an idea of what the book is about, youll be able to better follow the commentary. You can then easily test your understanding of the video in a low-pressure way by responding in the comments section. Or, if you dont have anything in particular to say about the video, simply get some writing practice by explaining what you liked about the book.8. Look for audiobook versions of books youve read or videos of authors reading their work. Use these for dictation exercises.This works especially w ell with older public domain works.For example, lets say youre a Russian learner whos a fan of Gogols Dead Souls, and you already know that the original title in Russian is ??????? ????. Go ahead and type that into a YouTube search along with ?????????? (audiobook), and youre all set.For more contemporary authors, you may be better off looking for videos or audio recordings of writers reading their own work instead. For example, heres a video of  Julio Cortázar reading his poem Los Amantes (The Lovers).Once you have a recording of a work youre familiar with being read, try using it for a dictation exercise. Take a small clip (of about 30 seconds or so) and try to transcribe the recording word for word. Then, check your transcription against the text. If you do this regularly, even if its only every week or so, you may find your listening comprehension and general comprehension improving a lot.9. Search out videos of celebrities you like being interviewed. Use them for extensive lis tening practice.Whether its writers, actors, athletes or musicians, watching celebrities who speak your target language being interviewed is a great way to stay focused on your listening practice.Also, interviews tend to be good material for listening practice because theyre full of visual cues and more informal language. And theyre generally unscripted (or at least meant to look that way), so the person talking tends to speak slower, repeat themselves and rephrase their thoughts in different ways.If you dont already have something in mind, searching for interview with in your target language can get you a good handful of results (along with probably at least one video having something to do with Interview with the Vampire).Another advantage of using interviews for extensive listening practice is that they can be fairly long. For example, if youre learning French and are a big Stromae fan, you might enjoy an  approximately 26-minute RTS interview over your lunch break, and feel pret ty accomplished for having done so.10. Binge TED and TEDx videos. More extensive listening practice!TED and TEDx talk videos are also excellent for listening practice  but for different reasons. Because TED talks are planned out ahead of time and center around one specific subject, they use a logical order and allow you to follow along even if you miss significant chunks.You can also use talks for extensive reading practice, either alongside audio or with subtitles alone.  Heres  a breakdown of talks available in some form in various languages. If youre advanced enough in your target language, you can even volunteer to help  translate and transcribe more talks.To find talks that are originally in your target language, you can go right to YouTube. For Spanish, theres a  TED en Español channel  and for Russian, theres  TED ?? ??????? ?????.For other languages, you may be able to find playlists of talks. Here are some for common languages:GermanFrenchItalianChineseJapaneseBrazilian Po rtuguese11. Mine popular vlogs for multipurpose phrases.Watching vlogs is fun regardless of what you use them for. To find the most popular vloggers in your target language, scroll down on Social Blades list of top YouTubers and select your country of choice under Top 250 by Country.Channels with more views are often packed with scripted funny videos, which means you get stretches of smooth, deliberate audio. This is good for sentence and phrase mining. It can be especially useful to look for phrases that can be reused in different contexts. For example, if someone says, I need to go to the store, you can make note of that phrase, but blank out [store] and practice putting other words in its place.This is a very simple example, of course, and if possible, it may be best to focus on language thats somewhat idiomatic but also simple and versatile. For instance, if I were learning English, a phrase like Whats up with [that]? would be a good one.Its also good to focus on phrases that in clude prepositions  because preposition use can seem arbitrary in terms of how its employed even within a single language.12. If youre learning multiple languages, look for speakers of one language creating videos about another language/country.This may be more or less successful depending on the languages in question, but its worth a shot. For example, when I started learning Korean, I found that it was fun to maintain and enhance my (much better) knowledge of French by seeking out YouTubers who were French speakers living in Korea.If you search in your stronger target language for My life in [country that speaks your weaker target language], you may get lucky. Channels like this can still be a toss-up as far as how much language youre going to learn. But they can provide a lot of motivation and put you in the mindset of being more confident about your weaker language.Another strategy is to search for specific language questions and content about your weaker language in your strong er language. To take a broad example, lets say I think I might want to learn some common Korean sentences. I can search in French for phrases coréennes (Korean sentences). Among other results, I find Sebooms video of a French speaker teaching Korean sentence structure.This isnt even exactly what I was expecting to find, but now Ive got access to a channel that includes a whole playlist of Korean lessons in French.13. Find a video for a song you like and let YouTube choose related music for you.This seems simple enough but I mention it because Ive found that it can actually work surprisingly well for finding music across a language. And YouTube seems to work better for this than some popular streaming services like Pandora.You can, of course, start playing a video for a song in your target language that you already like and see what pops up under Whats Next and in the sidebar.But you can also just let YouTube run in the background while youre doing something else. This way, youre ge tting some casual language exposure, while also possibly finding some new artists to explore later. If something thats not in your target language pops up, you can just quickly nudge YouTube back on track. If you hear something you especially like, you can make note of what it is for later.If youre not familiar with any target-language music and need some help getting started, check out the iTunes International Charts on Pop Vortex.14. Follow easy recipe videos.Of course, if your language and cooking skills are both more advanced, the recipes you choose dont have to be easy. But not everyone is there yet. Some of us may want to start with something like an easy tuna-stuffed tomato recipe from Conmishijos.Now, I dont know about you, but I dont understand how anyone can follow a recipe video without first writing down the process. So really, I think its best to make this a two-step learning method that involves some dictation (or paraphrasing, which is also a useful skill to learn in your target language).Try writing out the recipe the way it would appear in a cookbook, with an ingredient list at the top and a description of what steps need to be taken in the imperative. Of course, youll need to use common sense to decide if something doesnt quite add up or seems like a bad idea (please dont set anything on fire unless its part of the recipe and you know exactly what youre doing).If you have doubts, you can keep going back and watching the video until you feel confident. Then, when youre ready, head into the kitchen.Learning languages with YouTube addresses so many language-learning needs that you may as well just make it your main study resource.Enjoy your videos, and happy learning!Elisabeth Cook is a language enthusiast and book blogger who writes about literature (and occasionally languages) on Lit All Over.

Science and Ecology Crash Course - What is Required

Science and Ecology Crash Course - What is RequiredSo you want to get a biology crash course? If so, and you are in need of a basic biology curriculum, this is an easy method to learn that you will never regret. It is worth reading through what is required of a biology course before you decide whether to complete the required curriculum.In order to study a biology class, you have to have your laptop, and you need to prepare a minimum of a textbook, and a book of notes. This is very important if you are taking a Biology crash course. You need to be able to use that textbook, and this is what is needed for those who are serious about getting a biology course.The first step in your biology crash course is that you must study biology and natural science at the same time. For this, you should read a biology textbook that contains natural science information as well as biological units. Then, once you have completed the biology lesson, you should go to the biology library. Here, you can ac cess some books and DVDs related to the classes that you have completed, as well as a whole lot of reading material.There are several websites available online, where you can look up many classes that you need for a biology crash course. If you are looking for a biology lesson from the required curriculum, then you can find it easily by reading the credits required from the Biology course or courses for Biology crash course. All the other online resources are not quite so efficient and may not offer the best kind of information that you require for a biology course.Once you complete a biology lesson that you have chosen, then you can be sure that you have mastered every single part of the lesson, and you will be ready to move on to other lessons in a Biology crash course. These lessons are what will make up the remaining information in that day's lesson, as well as the biology lab reports. There are many possible ways that you can be guided into your Biology crash course, but you ha ve to take your time, and make sure that you choose a course that best suits your own interests. Otherwise, you will end up choosing a course that does not suit your personal needs, as you may not be in a position to move on in the course later on.At the end of your Biology crash course, you should be ready to continue on with biology, and once you have learnt the essentials, you will be prepared to advance into the next level of your biology education. You will now have a much more enjoyable experience, because you will have learnt more about the world, and the environment around you.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Analytical Chemistry Journals - Bringing New Information To The Forefront

Analytical Chemistry Journals - Bringing New Information To The ForefrontAnalytical Chemistry Journals offers new insights into the world of drug discovery and how to improve existing methods. These are some of the most recognized journals in the world of research and analysis of organic chemistry and pharmaceuticals.Studies reveal that today's pharmaceutical market values fluctuate depending on economic and political situations. One thing that is becoming more clear is that these discoveries and advancements can only be made with the cooperation of scientists working together. Due to this, the demand for analytical chemistry journals has increased dramatically over the past decade. Using techniques like open access publishing and web publishing, more high-quality information is now available online.In recent years, a great deal of worldwide recognition has been accorded to analytical chemistry journals and publishers. They have not only grown into the role of being the world's autho rity on research and development, but also as the catalyst for more publications and ideas in the area of medicines.The number of analytical chemistry journals currently in print can be counted on one hand. Although a vast majority of the world's scientists use standard, peer-reviewed journals, there are a few which adhere to certain principles. For example, they will publish research in a manner that makes the paper immediately accessible, so that scientists from all walks of life can access the same information.Some of the most respected analytical chemistry journals today are Biochemical Pharmacology and Drug Discovery. The Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences publishes articles and technical reports related to biological and pharmacological compounds. Pharmacopsychiatry publishes articles and reviews in the field of pharmacotherapy. The Journal of Chemical Pharmacology provides an extended discussion of the biochemistry and pharmacology of selected compounds.Because most publisher s in the United States to distribute their publications directly to libraries, it is possible to discover a broad variety of topics presented in publications published by the publisher itself. This enables users to view both current issues and those that may be out of print. Another benefit is that certain scientific journal publishers have developed partnerships with universities that offer a wide variety of software tools that allow users to search for specific information. This offers convenience for scientists, teachers, and the general public.You do not need to depend solely on the analytical chemistry journals to help you understand and participate in research. You can download detailed reports or follow-up reports from these journals. Some of these publications are easily found online through links found within the article. Still others are available in your local library or through the Internet.

How to Improve Your Spanish in 30 Minutes a Day

How to Improve Your Spanish in 30 Minutes a Day Suzy S. Whether you love science fiction, romance, or adventure, using non-academic books to learn Spanish is a fun way to improve your speaking skills! Learn more in this guest post  from Honolulu tutor  Jinan B... Reading books in Spanish is an inexpensive, portable, and convenient way to improve your Spanish skills. In this article Ill review the many ways reading books in Spanish will help you learn the language so that you can begin using this effective and enjoyable tool of reading the written Spanish word. Expand Your Vocabulary The first reason to use books to learn Spanish is to improve and expand your vocabulary. Acquiring a rich and complex vocabulary is one of the most challenging elements of language study, and reading in Spanish naturally enhances vocabulary learning. By reading fiction and non-fiction books on a variety of subjects, you will gain a vocabulary far beyond what you find in most Spanish textbooks, which are simply a starting point for your vocabulary bank. Furthermore, reading in Spanish allows you to gain understanding of unknown words through the context, thereby increasing your overall understanding of sentence structure, parts of speech, and typical vocabulary usage in the language. Improve Your Understanding of Phrases and Ideas On a related note, reading in Spanish also stretches your understanding of complex phrases and ideas that you might otherwise have trouble grasping. When you are reading, you can use the context (as well as cognates) to increase your understanding. You also have the ability to read slowly and re-read, which is another reason why reading in Spanish is a wonderful complement to aural exercises and listening to Spanish. Moving at your own pace while reading means that you can over time gain a deeper understanding of the language by reading thoroughly and utilizing the context and your previous knowledge of Spanish. Reading also encourages overall familiarity with the language, and increased ease in using the language. Try reading a passage out loud, then silently, taking as much time as you need to comprehend the passage, and then again out loud to see if you hear a difference in your fluency and ease in speaking. Improve Your Writing Skills Another skill that reading in Spanish improves is writing. By reading works of famous Spanish authors, youll get a sense of the rhythm and style of the written language, allowing you to glean inspiration to write in a similarly appropriate style and tone. You can even make a list of new words you are acquiring by reading and then try to write an essay or other written work incorporating some or all of the new words. Bonus: Try your hand at these Spanish writing prompts!   Learn More About the Language Overall Most of all, reading works in Spanish gives you a deeper understanding of the cultural implications behind Spanish language usage. Try reading works from a variety of Hispanic cultures and notice the differences in word choice, style, and sentence structure. Visualizing the connection between culture and language increases your cultural sensitivity in speaking with and writing to native Spanish speakers, and allows you to have a deeper awareness in choosing how and what to communicate in Spanish. That will certainly increase your depth, skill, and usage of the Spanish language! With all of these benefits in mind, improving your Spanish language skills is as easy as visiting your local library or browsing the foreign language section of a bookstore. And if you have questions about something you read, you can always bring in a passage to work on with your Spanish language teacher or tutor â€" they’ll appreciate your interest and motivation! Jinan B. tutors in Honolulu, HI. She is currently an  Assistant Professor in the Department of Human Nutrition, Food and Animal Sciences at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, teaching various courses including  Community Nutrition, Concepts in Nutrition Education, and Advanced Child and Adolescent Nutrition.  Learn more about Jinan here!   Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by  Gildas Le Mentec

4 Steps to Networking Naturally - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / 4 Steps to Networking Naturally - Introvert Whisperer 4 Steps to Networking Naturally Career Attraction August 18, 2014 Networking, Personal Branding No responses Go to top Networking … ugh. It so daunting. So nerve-wracking. The awkward hellos, flamboyant bios, feigned interest and fake smiles. Networking is overwhelming due to the silly pressure we put on ourselves to be fabulous and interesting. But you know what? Done right, it works. Every time. We naturally network on a daily basis. We seek a referral for a good doctor or a real estate agent from a colleague. We ask our neighbor for a great restaurant or movie recommendation. Why can’t this easy flow of helping each other work in the job market, too? It can. It does. Here’s how: 1. “You Gotta Be You”: Exude Your Personal Brand Authenticity is the key to connecting and resonating with people. If you’re a bit nervous, share that. The other person will likely put you at ease or share their discomfort as well. Ensure your appearance matches the way you really feel and wish to be perceivedâ€"professional, comfortable, stylish. Either way, it needs to look and feel truly “you.” Be proud to share who you are. 2. “Do Your Homework”: Understand Your Market If you’re attending an event for a professional association, a local chamber of commerce or even a neighborhood barbecue, understand who your audience is and why they are there. This creates your first level of commonality and topics for discussion. Research the event’s speaker or history of the organization so you have interesting items to share to further the discussion. 3. “Listen with Your Eyes Open”: Be Engaged and Engaging The art of conversation is to truly listen. Don’t speak over someone excitedly. Listen attentively and patiently. But, do so in an engaging mannerâ€"with great eye contact, open body language, letting your body and face show that you “hear” them. Have a few questions ready to start a conversation, or when someone is sharing with you, further the conversation with questions you ask. This shows you care about what they’re saying and builds a connection. 4. “Reconnect”: Follow Up and Re-engage Thank the person you’re speaking with for the conversation. Ask for permission to reach out to them in the future for further discussion or recommendations. Then send them a handwritten thank you note, which will create a personable, lasting impression. Share why you can help each other. Networking isn’t a competition to outshine everyone in the room. It’s an opportunity to meet someone new and see how you can help each other. If you bulldoze an event with personality and forced charm, you fragment the energy in the room and do yourself a disservice. However, if you approach networking with energy, enthusiasm and exude a genuine sense of caring about the other person, you’ll have made a new friend and contact. Networking is good manners, good conversation and a helping handâ€"which always works. What do you find the hardest part of networking? Share your thoughts with us in the comments! This post originally appeared on Career Attraction. Go to top Bottom-line â€" I want to help you accelerate your career â€" to achieve what you want by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my 4 Building Blocks to Relationships eBookâ€" the backbone to your Networking success and fantastic work relationships.   Grab yours by visiting: CLICK HERE Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleash your professional potential.

Whats Holding You Back

Whats Holding You Back Suzy S. Ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes at TakeLessons? For our student counselors,   its a life of chatting with students and teachers, and helping musicians of all levels take that first step in setting up lessons! A lot goes into the process discussing your needs and goals, and determining which teacher will fit those needs best, all to ensure you have an excellent experience. So whats holding you back? Here, TakeLessons student counselor Dylan M. offers some practical advice to overcoming your lingering reservations: Before you begin your list of excuses for not taking music lessons right now, think about this: Lady Gaga and Michael Jackson would have never made a successful career for themselves had it not been for overcoming obstacles.   Unfortunately, too many of us choose to let these obstacles overcome our own success. Doubt can be the treacherous monster holding back those of us seeking musical experiences. As a student counselor with TakeLessons, I have helped students over the hurdles preventing them from taking the first steps on their musical journey.   So ask yourself: whats holding you back? Price, time, location and skill level are among the most frequently-used reasons for not taking lessons.   If cost is your primary deterrent, we hear ya. Tough economic times may mean cutting corners somewhere, but there are ways to reduce the cost of lessons. Just remember: Mistakes can be costly, but music is priceless. If youre worried about time and location, there are numerous plans you can get set up on.   We also offer different programs that allow for flexibility, if you need it.   These programs allow you the time you need for lessons and the time you need for your everyday life.   And if studios are too far, why not have one of our instructors come to you instead?   Taking lessons at home is exciting and convenient. We also offer online music lessons as an option now! One piece of advice to take to heart: dont ever feel like youre not good enough to take lessons.   The amazing thing about music and taking lessons is that its available to any age and any skill level.   There is always room for improvement, and were here to help you progress and become a better musician! Dylan M., TakeLessons staff member and blogger Ready to sign up for lessons?   Search for a teacher near you, and get started today! Photo by loveiswritten.

TakeLessons Music Lessons Guide - download a free copy for a limited time

TakeLessons Music Lessons Guide - download a free copy for a limited time Suzy S. Free Guide to Getting Started with Music Lessons. TakeLessons Guide to Music Lessons TakeLessons Discover Your Music. TakeLessonsâ„¢ loremipsumdolorsitamet Music Lesson Guide TakeLessons they learn much more than just how to perform! Benefits of Music Voice Lessons Older adults find that music lessons are a great way to stay mentally active. Many will resume lessons for an instrument they played in the past to polish up their skills while others are interested in learning something brand new and acquiring a special talent. Music is known to be therapeutic and a great way to keep ones mind young! Did you know that music When people of all ages take music and voice lessons, Parents find that music and voice lessons for kids not only improve their childrens memorization and small motor skills, but strongly contribute to the building of their childs self-confidence. This in turn helps children succeed not only in music, but in school and other outside activities. Both children and their parents find it truly rewarding when a child reaches a pre-set goal or milestone; whether that is learning a new song, performing in front of others or just finding enjoyment in music. Adults in their 20s and 30s see lessons as a creative outlet and something to help them de-stress after a long day. For many, music and voice lessons are the beginning steps of a career in live performance or recorded music. For others, music lessons are a way to express emotion or impress others with their new-found talents through a birthday, wedding, or special event performance. • Helps develop skills needed in todays workforce: critical thinking, creative problem solving, effective communication, teamwork, and confidence • Keeps kids engaged in school and less likely to drop out while helping them achieve in other academic subjects like math, science, and reading • Helps communities share ideas and values among cultures and generations Finding the right instructor The Instructor Its About Chemistry For most students, music is about having fun, living your dream, and discovering your music. Youll want to be paired with an instructor that understands where you currently are and can relate to where you want to go. When you begin, you may not even know where you want to go â€" and thats ok. Your instructor should be able to help you take small steps that help guide you and help you see the picture of what you want to accomplish. The chemistry between the student and the instructor is really important. There should be a natural respect and friendliness between the two. There are many styles of instruction, so find someone that fits your personal style. Some people learn better with a more disciplined instructor that pushes them. Others learn better with a more laid-back, assertive style. Be honest with what works for you. When speaking to your lessons company, express the style of instructor that you think will work better for you. Chris Waldron, Director of Recruiting for TakeLessons Learning Centers, has hired thousands of instructors and says a key to good instructors is not only their musical aptitude, but their attitude as well. A good instructor will share in your success and help you through the rough patches. He or she will challenge you to get better while giving you insight, tools, and training on the best way to improve. They are there to help you achieve higher skill levels and maximize your potential while providing constructive feedback that leads to continuous improvement., Waldron says. Remember, however, that private lessons are a two-way street and the relationship should be mutually beneficial. Instructors are not baby-sitters or therapists and they will expect you to uphold your end of the bargain by practicing, trying hard, coming to the lessons prepared. They cannot make you great. YOU make yourself great. They are there to encourage and challenge you, but ultimately, your success is going to depend on your own motivation levels and how much you decide to apply yourself. Heres a checklist of what to look for in an instructor. Your instructor should: • Have passed a criminal background check • Have positive feedback from other students • Have a degree in music, working on a degree, or several years of experience • Enjoy the style and genre of music you wish to learn • Be a good listener • Focus more on you, and less about themselves • Helps you discover your strengths • Help you set high, yet attainable milestones • Be clear on what is expected of you each week • Hold you accountable for practicing and continued growth • Provide you with timely and specific feedback • Use technology to help keep track of lessons and monitor your growth • Offer the option for you to perform at a local concert or recital • Help you get excited about learning and staying involved with lessons • Be constantly growing themselvesâ€"musically and as a teacher Picking the Right Program Instructor When moving forward wi th lessons, its best to work with an established music learning company. When you call and speak with them, they should be friendly, excited to help you, and focused on what YOU want to learn instead of what they want to teach. Beware of instructors or programs that have an air of arrogance about them. Normally, these instructors are focused more on what you can do for them instead of what they can do for you. Also, beware of programs that are so strict that the lessons no longer are fun. Your lessons company should also have a documented, thorough application procedure for their instructors. This includes interviews, reference checks, background checks and ongoing quality certifications. They should also require liability insurance for their instructors. Feel free to ask them to see their liability insurance paperwork. If they cannot provide documentation, you are risking a higher liability with the instructor. Finally, working with a lessons company helps ensure your money is safe. There have been many stories from unsuspecting students who write a check or pay cash to an instructor they found online or in a classifieds ad, and that instructor never showing up after the first lesson. Others have paid for a semester or years worth of lessons, only to find their instructor has left town or shut do wn their studio. A Reputable Learning Company A Reputable Learning Company • The company should offer several instructors in your area. This way, if the first one doesnt fit your style, you can switch to another at no cost to you. pellentesque: Checklist • The lessons programs should be focused and tailored around what you want to learn, and the company should provide an instructor that is suited for your style of music and your skill level. Namvestibulumdolorquislibero. • The company should always protect your money. If their instructor does not show up, their policy should be to issue you a quick and full refund. • The company should allow you to obtain a refund if, after your first lesson, you do not wish to continue. • Never pay for more than a quarters worth of lessons upfront (three months). • Always pay by credit card or debit card. This way, if there are billing issues, you have recourse through your bank or card company. • Check the Better Business Bureau to ensure the company treats its customers well. • Check the companys web site for the owners and employees. They should be transparent about who runs the company. Also check for press releases, financial backing, advisory boards, and partners. All of these items help you see if they are an established, reputable company. • Look to see if they have partnered with community organizations such as the YMCA or PTA and if they run programs for private schools after-school programs, or corporate wellness. If they have proven themselves by working with these partners, there is a good probability they are reputable. • Look for a company that has instructor certification processes which includes criminal background checks and ongoing quality ratings. Ask the percentage of instructor applicants that get hired. If its more than 40%, the company may be accepting anyone who applies and may have a quality problem. • The pricing should reflect your skill level. If you are a beginner, chanc es are you dont need the instructor with a PhD and 30 years of experience. Youll overpay. Find a company that has a selection of instructors with differing levels of experience and reasonable rates. • Make sure the company has an established online lessons tracking system. This allows you to access your lesson notes from anywhere on the web and creates accountability between you and the instructor. If you are a parent, this allows you to see what your children are working on during the lessons, thus ensuring you are getting your moneys worth. Why Take Lessons? Tak eL essons Discover Your Music. Why Not Learn on your Own? There are a myriad of music self-study courses, books, CDs, and DVDs. Add in the hours of video on YouTube and across the Internet, and youve got an endless supply of information. But information alone isnt the key to having fun and learning. Its the application of the information that makes the difference. When you take lessons with a live instructor, you get added benefits that simply cannot be attained through all the do-it-yourself media. Speed Up Your Learning Curve, Slow Down Your Frustration When you first start with music, it will most likely be a bit odd to you. Thats ok. Its normal. It takes some time to understand the fundamentals and mentally digest why notes, chords, and songs sound good together. Working with a private instructor helps you quickly understand the fundamentals while making learning fun. You will learn faster, which helps build your confidence and increases the likelihood of you continuing with your lessons. The First Step is the Hardest With music, theres a phenomenon called the First Month Hump. During the first month, youre at an important stage that determines whether you keep going or whether you call it quits. Everything is new. Some things make senseâ€"other things do not. And inside, youre trying to decide whether the dream of making music is worth the fear of failing at it. Its at this stage where priv ate instruction really starts to make a difference. With the help of a good program and instruction, you see more improvement, which helps build your confidence and increases the likelihood of continuing. Your lessons are customized around you, so you get to learn the things youre most interested in. This naturally speeds up your learning curve as well. You also have personalized attention that helps you fast-track through the First Month Hump and into the next phase of learning. Staying Motivated Without a doubt, there will be times during the first few months when you feel disappointed with your playing. Perhaps you didnt find time to practice, or you cant quite figure out how to work your left and right hand with the proper timing. Again, thats ok! Its normal. The benefit of working with a private lessons company is that you have the support of your music counselor, your instructor, and a community of other people learning at your level. A good lessons program will help you A.I.M . High! A â€" Accountability I â€" Inspiration M â€" Milestones Accountability Private or group lessons help you become accountable to yourself, to your instructor, and others. As a general rule, we always work harder when we know someone else is counting on us. By telling others what our goals are, we trigger something inside the mind that helps us give a little extra effort. A good program will help you set your first goal and then help you share that goal with others. Inspiration A good lessons program helps inspire you by having people that believe in you. You get to hear stories of how other people are living their dream and can then apply their learning to your own situation. By taking lessons, youll tap into the wisdom of instructors that have been through your situation before, and are willing to help you get to where you want to be. Milestones Part of the job of private instruction is to help you see yourself living your dream and discovering the music inside you. A good le ssons company will understand your current skill level and help you set reasonable milestones for your growth. Using online tools, your music program should be able to help you keep track of your progress with lesson notes and practice pages that can be accessed via the web. They should provide you with candid feedback after each lesson to help you see where youre doing great, and where you need help. “Nobodys a natural. You work hard to get good and then work hard to get better. “ -Paul Coffey With music, youll never hit your target if you dont know what youre shooting for. With a solid lessons program, youll always know where youre heading. TakeLessons Discover Your Music. For questions or to find a certified instructor in your area, please contact TakeLessons 1-877-231-8505 TakeLessons 624 Broadway Suite 504 San Diego, CA 92101

Angle of Incidence

Angle of Incidence When a ray of light strikes a reflecting surface, then the angle of incidence is the angle formed when the light ray touches the reflecting surface. Angle of incidence is always taken as the measure between the light ray and the normal drawn to the reflecting surface. According to the Laws of reflection, this angle of incidence is equal to the angle of the reflection as well. Example 1: Light ray strikes a reflecting surface making an angle of 20 with the surface. Find the angle of incidence, the angle of reflection and sketch the path of the light ray. Angle of incidence is the angle formed by the light ray with respect to the perpendicular or normal drawn to the reflecting surface. Hence, angle of incidence = 90 - 20 = 70 According to the laws of reflection, angle of incidence = angle of reflection Hence, angle of reflection = 70 Example 2: A ray of light strikes a reflecting surface making an angle of 60 with the surface. Find the angle of incidence and the angle of reflection of the light ray. Given the angle of the light ray made with respect to the reflecting surface = 60 Angle of incidence is the angle formed by the light ray with respect to the normal drawn to the reflecting surface. Hence, angle of incidence = 90 - 60 = 30 According to the laws of reflection, angle of incidence = angle of reflection Hence, angle of reflection = 30